Ekonomski fakultet Subotica 12. maja 2006. godine domaćin je predavanja SZTE Centra za Evropske studije Univerziteta u Segedinu. Ovaj Centar pokrenuo je seriju poseta, koju su nazvali Mini Roadshow, fakultetima u Srbiji sa namerom da studentima i nastavnicima održi predavanja na temu Evropske Unije. 

Rukovodilac projekta Szekeres Ildikó predstavila je program predavanja čiji je cilj prvenstveno upoznavanje sa funkcionisanjem Evropske Unije i njenog tržišta, kao i posebnim akcentom na studentsku mobilnost. 

A Single European Market of 25 countries with a Single European Currency of 12 countries – past experiences and future prospects of the eurozone within the European Union
Lecturer: Ms. Anita Pelle, University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

"Who is afraid of EU enlargement?" Pros and cons of EU membership - as seen by acceding States
Lecturer: Dr. Julianna Sára Traser, University of Szeged, European Studies Centre

Why study abroad? Practical aspects of student mobility
Lecturer: Dr. László Dux, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law