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024/628-000Број кабинета у Суботици: 042 021/485-2900Број кабинета на Одељењу у Новом Саду: 29
уторак 10.00 - 12.00 Линк за консултације
Нови Сад
уторак 10.00 - 12.00 Линк за консултације
Додатне информације
Основне студије
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Економски факултет у Суботици
Година завршетка: 2019.
Мастер/магистарске студије
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Економски факултет у Суботици
Година завршетка: 2020.
Радно искуство:
Економски факултет у Суботици
Година запослења: 2021.
Ужа научна област: Менаџмент

1. Gašić, D., & Berber, N. (2023). The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement in the Relationship between Flexible Work Arrangements and Turnover Intentions among Highly Educated Employees in the Republic of Serbia. Behavioral Sciences. 13(2). ISSN: 2076-328X; Doi: 10.3390/bs13020131 M22

2. Berber, N., Gašić, D., Katić, I., & Borocki, J. (2022). The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship between FWAs and Turnover Intentions. Sustainability, 14(8), 4502; ISSN: 2071-1050; Doi: 3390/su14084502 M22

3. Gašić, D., & Berber, N. (2021). The Influence of Flexible Work Arrangement on Employee Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Republic of Serbia. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies26(3), 73-88. ISSN: 1820-0222; Doi: 7595/management.fon.2021.0026 M24

4. Gašić, D., Berber, N., & Slavić, A. (2023). Effects of the Compensation System and Socio-demographic Factors on the Attitudes of Employees in the Republic of Serbia. Management: Journal Of Sustainable Business And Management Solutions In Emerging Economies. ISSN: 1820-0222; Doi: 10.7595/management.fon.2022.0016 M24

5. Gašić, D. (2021). The influence of national culture on the compensation system in selected countries. Anali Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Subotici57(46), 3-20. Doi: 5937/AnEkSub2146003G M51

6. Gašić, D., & Berber, N. (2022). The practice of financial participation in corporations in the CEE countries. Ekonomika, 68(3), 13-28. ISSN: 0350-137X; Doi: 10.5937/ekonomika2203013G M51

7. Bjekić, R., Rodić, M., Aleksić, M., & Gašić, D. (2021). Relationship between social competences of manager and leadership outcomes. Ekonomika67(2), 47-57. Doi: 10.5937/ekonomika2102047B M51

8. Gašić, D. (2021). The Influence of Flexible Work Arrangements on the Corporate Efficiency During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Republic Of Serbia. In International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management(pp. 21-33). Doi:  46541/978-86-7233-397-8_119 M33

9. Berber, N., Slavić, A., Gašić, D., & Aleksić, M. (2022). The Development of Human Resource Management in Serbia in the Light of Cranet Research 2021. 27th International Scientific Conference, Strategic Management and Decision Support System in Strategic Management. Univertisty of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, The Republic of Serbia. Program and book of abstracts p. 99-106, ISBN: 978-86-7233-406-7 M33

10. Berber, N., Marić, S., & Gašić, D. (2022). Changes in the employees’ performance management in Serbia in the light of the Cranet research from 2008 to 2021. 3rd Ferenc Farkas International Scientific Conference: „Management Revolutions”. University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics. p. 10-20 ISBN: 978-963-429-995-0 M33

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